Rediscover Wholeness

Holistically guided psychedelic experiences in Vancouver, Squamish & Whistler

Explore the potential of psychedelics with guidance and support.

Psychedelic experiences are a natural human experience which connect us intimately with the intelligence of life.

Woven Journeys is founded on a profound reverence for nature and its wisdom, in addition to many years of personal experience using psychedelics for self-discovery, personal and spiritual growth and healing. With access to a multidisciplinary team ready to meet you where you are, we help you tap into the full potential of psychedelics so you can uncover your full potential with psychedelics.

There is a wealth of information built into us, tucked away in the  genetic material in every one of our cells. Without some means of  access, there is no way to begin to guess at the extent and quality of what is there. The psychedelics allow exploration of this interior world and insight into its nature.

— Sasha Shulgin, Chemist & Creator of MDMA

Here to guide and support your journey, every step of the way.

Synthesizing clinical and ceremonial approaches, we offer transformational psychedelic experiences tailored to you and your specific intentions.

Psychedelics are medicine, tool and sacrament with immense power to heal and transform, best approached with intention and from an informed and holistic place. We offer a range of services rooted in a holistic understanding of the self, scientific research and transcultural wisdom. Our services include bespoke group and solo journeys, consultations and integration sessions. We focus on your personal healing and growth, while our bespoke services are tailored to your specific desires, needs and goals, with our team’s personalized guidance and support.

In some Native languages the term for plants translates to “those who take care of us.”

— Robin Wall Kimmerer, Author & Biologist

Get in touch.

The cave you fear to enter contains the treasure you seek.

— Joseph Campbell, Mythologist